Another light painting image from Errwood hall ruin and one that took a few different techniques to create.
Andy was again the human element in the picture first standing in one of the archways while I created his silhouette by rotating an acrylic tube lit with my Ledlenser torch, we then moved over to the other archway and repeated the same process. Next job was the orb that I spun in the central window created with the brilliant 'ball of light' tool. Moving round to the front of the building I again used the Ledlenser to illuminate the stonework then finished by adding the coloured swirls with an etched light blade (made by Dave Thompson) lit by a multicolour torch. The whole process took just over 14 minutes which has also resulted in the stars starting to trail.(Olympus EM-1 mkii 7-14mm f/2.8 pro 30 seconds live composite over 14 minutes f/4.5 @ 7mm)
Photographer: Stephen Elliott